Our Capoeira kids classes are designed for kids from 6 to 10 years of age.
We introduce capoeira to them through a mix of game and training, helping them develop important skills such as coordination, balance, rhythm, discipline and self esteem through the teaching of martial arts, acrobatic movements and music.
Every Monday and Wednesday
from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Lynwood Wandarrah Hall
Every Monday and Wednesday
from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm
location: Lynwood Wandarrah Hall
Teens capoeira classes are suitable for ages 10 to 13, and are structured to prepare students for a more complete and wholistic game of Capoeira.
The exercises are designed to build strength and confidence in the individual, helping develop his abilities, character and social skills while learning more complex movements.
Adults classes are for individuals aged 14+.
Suitable for all levels of fitness and ability, these classes aim to improve your strength, stamina, coordination, flexibility and general fitness.
The classes generally include a warm up phase, a stretching phase, the main body of capoeira movement and sequence training, and usually finish with a roda and some music.